Talks available online
- Crunch Seminar, December 2024
- IMSI, April 2024
- Lennard Jones Center, 2022
- ML4M, 2022
- MLIP workshop, 2021
- Boston Symmetry Day, (31 March 2025)
- co-organized with Hannah Lawrence, John Park, Derek Lim, Stephanie Jegelka, and Robin Walters
- MLIP School, (CECAM and Psi-k workshop), (6-10 November 2023)
- co-organized with Max Veit, Miguel Caro, Carlo Maino, Felix-Cosmin Mocanu, Chiheb B Mahmoud, Kevin K Huguenin-Dumittan, Sanggyu Chong, Davide Tisi, and Federico Grasselli
- Funded by CECAM, Psi-K, ERC FIAMMA
- Swiss Equivariant Learning Workshop, (11-14 July 2022)
- co-organized with Martin Uhrin, Mario Geiger, Alby Musaelian, Simon Batzner, Josh Rackers, Thomas Hardin, and Tess Smidt
- AAAI Bridge on knowledge-guided ML Unpacking the synergy of physics and data: machine learning for atomistic systems (25-26 February 2025)
- Applied ML Days Session on Quantifying uncertainties in multiphysics learning, EPFL, Navigating atomistic ML: guiding insights from physics (11-14 February 2025)
- Machine Learning Potentials: from Interfaces to Solutions, Ruhr Universitat Bochum, Euclidean neural networks guiding insights and exploration of atomistic systems (27-29 August 2024, on behalf of Tess Smidt)
- Machine Learning Force fields, Institute of Mathematical and Statistical Innovation, University of Chicago, Unpacking the ingredients of atomistic machine learning: force fields and beyond (8-12 April 2024)
- Lennard Jones Seminar, Cambridge University, Physically constrained machine learning : from electronic Hamiltonians to electronic excitations (4 March 2024)
- CIBE Seminars, University of Wisconsin- Madison, Looking beyond the atom, message passing ML (01 March 2023)
- Max Planck Gesellschaft Science Day, Machine learning of experimental observables in surface and interface science (28 September 2022)
- Lennard Jones Seminar, Cambridge University, Towards message passing with N-center representations (30 May 2022)
- Machine learning interatomic potentials: Young researchers’ tutorial, Incorporating symmetries and physical constraints in atomistic machine learning (November 2021)
- MARVEL Junior Seminar 2021, Efficient representations of local and non-local interactions in atomistic machine learning (5 February 2021)
- APS March Meeting, Differentiable and transferable quantum chemistry through machine-Learned electronic Hamiltonians (20 March 2025)
- APS March Meeting, Completeness of atomic representations, Poster presentation (07 March 2024)
- CECAM Berlin, Multicenter representations for atomistic ML Poster Presentation (19-23 June 2023)
- APS March Meeting, Unifying atom-centered descriptions and message passing ML schemes (05-10 March 2023)
- DPG Spring Meeting, Equivariant N-center representations for machine learning molecular Hamiltonians (08 September 2022),
- Psi-k, Sixth international edition, Unifying atom-centered descriptions and message passing ML schemes (24 August 2022)
- IUPAP CCP Meeting, Poster: Equivariant N-center representations for machine learning molecular Hamiltonians (01 August 2022),
- Machine Learning for Materials (ML4M), SISSA, Equivariant N-center representations, (11-13 May 2022)
- The International symposium on Machine Learning in Quantum Chemistry (Xiamen, China), Poster presentation (12-14 November 2021)