Jigyasa Nigam

Postdoc, MIT


77 Massachusetts Avenue

Cambridge, MA 02139

I am a postdoc at MIT, funded by the School of Engineering’s Postdoc Fellowship for Excellence in Engineering!
In August 2024 I finished my PhD at the Lab of Computational Science and Modeling at EPFL, which I called home since the summer of 2020.
Before embarking on this adventure, I was working on getting my Masters at the Indian Institute of Space Science and Technology, where I started given my fascination with the stars and mysteries of the giant worlds beyond our world, but ended up falling in love with the dynamics of objects on the opposite end of the length scale. My current research interests include machine learning (ML) enabled simulations at the atomic scale, incorporating symmetries (equivariance) in these frameworks and unifying them with electronic structure.


Sep 01, 2024 So excited to begin my postdoc today!:sparkles:
Aug 09, 2024 The day I became Dr. Nigam

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selected publications

  1. thesis.png
    Integrating symmetry and physical constraints into atomic-scale machine learning
    Jigyasa Nigam
  2. anisoap.png
    Expanding density-correlation machine learning representations for anisotropic coarse-grained particles
    Arthur Lin, Kevin K Huguenin-Dumittan, Yong-Cheol Cho, Jigyasa Nigam, and Rose K Cersonsky
    The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2024
  3. indirect-ham.png
    Electronic Excited States from Physically Constrained Machine Learning
    Edoardo Cignoni, Divya Suman, Jigyasa Nigam, Lorenzo Cupellini, Benedetta Mennucci, and Michele Ceriotti
    ACS Central Science, 2024
  4. 3c-boron.png
    Completeness of atomic structure representations
    Jigyasa Nigam, Sergey N Pozdnyakov, Kevin K Huguenin-Dumittan, and Michele Ceriotti
    APL Machine Learning, 2024
  5. Hamiltonian.gif
    Equivariant representations for molecular Hamiltonians and N-center atomic-scale properties
    Jigyasa Nigam, Michael J Willatt, and Michele Ceriotti
    The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2022
  6. unified-mp.png
    Unified theory of atom-centered representations and message-passing machine-learning schemes
    Jigyasa Nigam, Sergey Pozdnyakov, Guillaume Fraux, and Michele Ceriotti
    The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2022
  7. long-range.png
    Multi-scale approach for the prediction of atomic scale properties
    Andrea Grisafi, Jigyasa Nigam, and Michele Ceriotti
    Chemical Science, 2021
  8. nice.png
    Recursive evaluation and iterative contraction of N-body equivariant features
    Jigyasa Nigam, Sergey Pozdnyakov, and Michele Ceriotti
    The Journal of Chemical Physics, 2020